FWT-68 Command and Control Vehicle
As the command and control vehicle, FWT-68 is mainly used for remote sensing data reception, flight status monitoring, task data binding, mission payload control, data processing, command and control of unmanned helicopters. FWT-68 can self-maneuver to the task location and then connect to the city power or use its own generator set to supply power to the cabin; The cabinet group is used by the staff to command and dispatch drones and plan task routes; The ground transceiver antenna system transmits signal from ground station to the UAVs, and the onboard tethered drone provides communication relay support for the unmanned helicopter, ensuring the communication signal of the unmanned helicopter system is not obstructed while maintaining a low flying state; The power supply and distribution system provides stable and reliable power supply for the command system inside the cabin; The Internal environment regulating system mainly provides a comfortable working environment for mission equipment and staff; The tool attachment provides necessary support for mission implementation.